
Easy Learning Institution

Through its platforms, Easy Learning Institution, Inc. aims to become the true dedicated friend to everyone who has a thirst for knowledge. For certain, people who continuously seek knowledge do not depend on classrooms. Especially today, when technology has enabled us to acquire what we need and want much easier and from everywhere.


Matematick is an online Mathematics platform which enables you to ask about any Mathematics problem you have, while they provide you the answer of all your questions 24/7. Matematick is a unique online platform offering unprecedented services not available elsewhere.

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Glocal Trades

Glocal Trades is an online market place, which decently presents the kosovan agricultural products in the international market. Glocal Trades is the only online market place which promotes and sells the freshness of the kosovan products, assuring quality and satisfying customers’ needs, wants, and expectations.

Faculty of Physical Education and Sport

The university is an autonomous public institution for higher education that develops academic education, scientific research, artistic creativity, professional counseling and other areas of academic activity.

Lorik Cana Foundation
Lorik Cana 5 Foundation

The scope of the Foundation is to support and promote the sport, culture and its inheritance. Foundation’s mission is to support and promotion of grassroots sports and culture, especially for the preschoolers and school children.

Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK)

Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK) is a center whose aim is to connect research and development component of scientific field with the business sector, focusing on creating new job opportunities oriented towards the future, based on knowledge and new technology.

Scooler, LLC

Scooler LLC  was founded with the purpose of developing software solutions to many problems students face in the Universities of Kosovo.  Scooler LLC primary platform service is called Scooler, a student oriented web and mobile platform which seeks to meet all student needs ranging from communication, to scholarships, internships and job opportunities.

trajnime.info__ initiates the first training and course listing platform that enables users to search trainings offered and compare them by price, time, location and provider. Additionally, users will be able to seek jobs in our job announcement page where businesses will announce job openings.